Frozen Fore Clean-up


2023 Clean-up

Confidence Learning Center invited us back to help cleaning up their Frozen Fore event on Gull Lake. The Lakes Area Skatepark crew took on the challenge! The group made quick work of the task. Huge thanks to all our volunteers for their hard work! Also, thanks to Confidence Learning Center for the opportunity!

Our volunteers left to right: Jeremy, Amanda, Bryson, Blake, Ethan (Meech), Kas, Scotty and Jake (Renny).


2022 Clean-up

Confidence Learning Center donated $1,000 to the Lakes Area Skatepark for their efforts during the Frozen Fore clean-up in 2022! Huge thanks for Confidence Learning Center’s contribution and the Lakes Area Skatepark volunteers!

Our volunteers left to right: Jeremy, Bryson S., Amanda A., Matt H., Johnny V., Ethan (Meech), Jake F. & Jake (Renny).